Who We Are
The Philemon Project's GROW Early Childhood Development and Adult Mentoring Program in Beirut, Lebanon provides underserved Lebanese, migrant, and refugee children with the best possible early childhood education and improves family cohesion through our adult mentoring program. We are a faith-based organization with a transformative impact on the community through our programs.
GROW's Mission
GROW reaches Syrian refugee, migrant worker, and under-resourced Lebanese families by preparing their children for primary school. We also have a holistic impact on the families through our Adult Mentoring and food programs. Our center contributes to a healthier community.
GROW's Vision
Our vision is to change the lives of at-risk children and their families in Lebanon and Syria by providing quality education. We also impact the lives of local women by providing them decent work, fostering economic growth, and supporting gender equality. We plan to replicate the early childhood development and adult mentoring programs throughout the Middle East so that other communities may adopt our holistic approach to supporting marginalized families.
GROW's Distinctives
High Quality Education
Highly acclaimed High Scope Active Learning Method
Agency for Each Child
Shaping their lives and the lives of others
Strong Families & Holistic Approach
Creating stronger communities
Caring for the Needy
Jesus calls us to give a cup of water in His name and serve the “least of these”
Expert Training for our Teachers and Staff
Teachers are highly trained in trauma informed practices
Operating for over 10 years
Women Empowerment
Locally women-led and locally women-run
Imago Dei
All people are created in the image of God and loved by Him